Jo M. Orise Dodge

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Work Experience


Artist, Writer - want to be author. Visit my web sites and blogs.


Artist, Cartoonist, Web Designer, Writer. Visit my web site.


Computer Science Teacher and Art Teacher in ME and NH.

Taught the following courses:



Temporary Computer Office Support, Olsten Temporary Services, Portland, Maine.

Temporary Administrative Secretary for V.P. of Student Affairs, and Secretary for University and Media Relations. University of Southern Maine, Portland, Maine.

Temporary Computer Consultant/Trainer, Casco Northern Bank, Asset Recovery Department, Portland, Maine.


Computer Technician III, Wells High School, Wells, Maine. Managed computer lab, resolved PC issues, assisted students and faculty with PC use.

Computer Instructor, Wells Adult Education, Wells, Maine. Taught Intro to Computers to adults and Vocational High School diploma candidates.

Computer Instructor, Gorham Adult Education. Taught Intro to Computers to adults and Vocational High School diploma candidates.

Art teacher, Windham Adult Education, Windham, ME. Taught Art Appreciation to adults and Vocational High School diploma candidates.

Art teacher (part time) and on-site, full-time substitute teacher, Gorham High School, Gorham, ME. Taught Introduction to Art and Introduciton to Art History and Appreciation.

Prior to 1988

Owner, Manager Josoca Studios, Kennebunk, Maine. Retail-wholesale pottery, free-lance artist, private art instructor.

Administrative Assistant, Romac & Associates, Inc., Portland, Maine. Secretary, receptionist, organized and assisted in management training programs.

Secretary, Sun Savings & Loan, Inc., Secretary for V.P. of Branch Administration and Banking. Attended Branch meetings and disseminated pertinent information to branch managers, assisted in demographic surveys and advertising campaigns.

IBM Telecommunications, Keuffel & Esser, Inc., Kennebunk, Maine. Data entry and management, which was transmitted over a WAN. Also trained other employees in data entry.

Telephone operator and then service representative, New England Telephone, Biddeford, Maine.

Secretary and IBM Keypunch operator, Pepperell Mills, Biddeford, Maine.

Secretary, Northeastern Composition Co., Portland, Maine.

Production Operator, Quality Control. Components, Inc., Kennebunk, Maine.


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