Artist: Jo M. Orise

Price Structure

Life drawings and paintings of people and pets, et al...


Major credit cards accepted.

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*Black & White
Pencil -
archival paper
Watercolor - archival paper
Oil on canvas
11 X 14 $300.00 $450.00 $650.00
16 X 20 $450.00 $550.00 $850.00
18 X 24 $650.00 $750.00 $1250.00

*Shipping, handling and insurance charges
not included in the cost of artwork.

Artist reserves the right to reproduce work.

Finished pieces are not matted or framed.
Artworks are in full dimensions stated above.

Prices may change without notice.

Client and Artist Agreement

(Please Read)

Agreement refers to a single subject, from a head to shoulders or waist portrait pose with a simple background of shadows/nuances. A simple landscape scene with no focal point may be substituted. A specific or complex scene shall incur additional charge.

Full body pose shall incur additional charge.
Additional subjects (2 or more subjects in one painting) shall incur additional charge.

  • 50% non-refundable deposit required to begin commissioned work. Balance due upon approval of final piece.

    • Proof(s) may be seen in person, or by viewing digital photo sent via the Internet.

    • Shipping, insurance and packaging determined by USPS upon completion of assignment are added to balance due.

  • Client must provide 2-3 clear, similar-poses per 1 subject via US Postal mail or e-mail attachments.

    • If e-mailed, reduce photos to no more than two megabytes in file size each.

      • If you don't know how to reduce file sizes, or if e-mailed photos are illegible, send original(s) via US Postal mail.

        • Photos received by mail shall be returned upon completion of work or at request of client
  • Once balance due has been paid and payment has cleared for proofed and completed artwork, the finished piece shall be shipped and insured via USPS.
  • Orders canceled before project completion and/or without final proofing by customer remain property of Artist to do as she wishes with finished or unfinished artwork. Client deposit is non-refundable.
  • Client is responsible for any and all legal issues and costs involving any photos provided to Artist for reproduction. Artist is not responsible for any financial inconvenience represented in any legal action that may arise in creating portrait from photos supplied by Client.

Please read and sign
Commission Agreement Contract

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Major credit cards accepted.

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